
Fanni Lekrinszki

I think it is important that the news and work of these brilliant artists reach as many people as possible.

From the Author

AAFK interjú

AAFK interview

Anny and Felipe are a pair of artists with a strong background in graphics and illustration. When they decided to take to the streets and start painting, they found a wonderful community and a new way to experience art and culture away from the office and computers.

0036 Mark – Időutazás az önfeledt gyermeki énünkhöz

0036 Mark - Time travel to your childhood self

0036 Mark not only has the ability to create a time machine, but to actually transport us back to our childhood, or whoever's life we want to be. He fills his work with meticulous detail and cryptic allusions, so we are constantly in for a joy of searching, insight and discovery.

Koen interjú

Koen interview

Endre/Koen/Darab. Whichever designation we look at, each one is a slice of his life, from which he became who he is today. Graffiti, street art, graphics and much more.