Message from the street



I am confident that, in terms of creation, I can be part of a process that will change and evolve over time.

Teyl x Desir


Some inexplicable force always whispers in my ear that it's you.



I had to wait 30 or 25 years for it to sink into the human consciousness that this is no longer what it used to be.



It is not enough to spin the getting up, remain humble and respectful towards everyone!

Winged Box


I think almost nothing inspires me as much as the diversity, development, or change of this genre, which has turned from a closed subculture into a contemporary style that perhaps best expresses the spirit of the present age.



Few people know, but it requires a lot of sacrifice, time and energy.



My motivation is to surpass myself with each next step.



Get to know your true self and bring out your real sweaty self! If you're not in love, leave.

RCG Crew


When there are so many of us out on the wall, I think directness and positive energy flow from us, plus good humor.



The street line is perhaps the only one where there is no compliance requirement.



What motivates me is that there are no limits.



I couldn't even imagine a city without graffiti and street art. That would be boredom itself.



One of the most versatile things in the world, it gives you freedom in the whirlwind of everyday life.

9219 2112


It's funny how you walk down the street and there is what you designed or drew.



I have never been able to live like many others, to do the same thing all the time in monotonous boredom and leave nothing behind. It's not my world!

CO2 Crew


I have never been able to live like many others, to do the same thing all the time in monotonous boredom and leave nothing behind. It's not my world!



This subculture gave me experiences that I would never have had if I hadn't done this.



What inspires me is the feeling of life itself and the relaxation associated with culture!



Be open and give a piece of yourself to the world!

Árvay Márton


We are trying to expand the number of legal places at home and hold events.

0036 Mark


I would have liked something that could be understood at home, but also understood abroad, with visual humor and some nostalgia.



The desire for freedom, knowledge, equality, justice and love are what motivates.



The miracle of life, I found myself in it!