
The recycled world

The painting is a complex series of images reflecting on the polluting impact of humanity on the environment and one way of avoiding it is to recycle. Or rather, that the possibility of this and the fate of our planet is in our hands alone.

The Wonders of Space

In Tárnok, the most famous sci-fi film characters of 20th century pop culture come to life in the noise barrier next to the MÁV railway station.

NO PIC NO PROOF: Break the algorithm

The NO PIC NO PROOF installation is an abstract, dramatised and spatialised snapshot where the profiles that represent us on social media take physical form and take reality away from us. When someone at a rock concert holds up their phone and "lives" the event on Facebook, the question is: who is enjoying the concert? Is it them or their Facebook profile?

Firewall painting of Hanna Szenes

The work, which honours the memory of the martyred poet and paratrooper, is part of a series of commemorations organised by the Hungarian Jewish Heritage Foundation and the Government of Hungary to mark the 80th anniversary of the Holocaust in Hungary.

A Világűr Csodái

The Wonders of Space

In Tárnok, the most famous sci-fi film characters of 20th century pop culture come to life in the...

Mr. Zero – Forradalom a nevem

Mr. Zero - Revolution is my name

Mr. Zero's work in Berlin brings to life a rebellious punk culture that also reflects the digital noise that surrounds us. He combines this with various characters from his own post-apocalyptic cyberpunk universe.

Neopaint – Urban Jungle

Neopaint – Urban Jungle

The latest mural of the Rhodium office building, where the industrial area of Angyalföld meets nature.

Nikon Laci a hazai filmipar graffiti firkásza

Laci Nikon is the graffiti artist of the Hungarian film industry

Laci Nikon brings to life the street style and streetscapes of 1980s New York's "golden era" in her Netflix series Eric. His work can be seen in quite a few other film worlds, where he appears in several graffiti and hundreds of different street doodles. He is the only one who can be found doing graffiti and illustration work for filmmakers.

King Freak legnagyobb filmes paste up-ja

King Freak's biggest film paste-up

How cool is it to see your favourite American producer while you're waiting for the tram, and then find yourself on the set of his film the next day as a street art designer.

Muralinas: A szél istenének az epizódja

Muralinas: The God of the Wind episode

Muralinas was founded in 2022 by Stella Koleszár, visual artist, glass artist and Borbála Komesz, visual artist. They are working to create as many colourful wall surfaces as possible, not only in Budapest, but also in several small towns.

A természet a legnagyobb kincsünk, amit minden áron óvni kellene

Nature is our greatest treasure and should be protected at all costs

We are all familiar with the infinite beauty and richness of nature, yet we often forget that this treasure is not infinite. The consequences of human activities, such as industrialisation, agricultural intensification and urbanisation, are causing serious damage to the environment. Now is the time to take our responsibility seriously and act to protect nature.

HOEK mexikói stílusú éttermi dekorációja

HOEK's Mexican-style restaurant decor

What you can see from him at the moment is a decorative painting for a Mexican restaurant called Sombreros Taqueria. His clients wanted to evoke the visual aspects of this rich culture in addition to their food.