Thanking healthcare workers

2021. Oct. 30. | Community

Színes Város

With a five hundred square meter mural, they are thanking the healthcare workers in Csepel for their efforts against the coronavirus epidemic.

The artists of the Színes Város Group thank the humble work of those working in the health and social sector, for standing firm during the epidemic situation, and in recognition of this, they set up a lasting memory with the painting. The heart-shaped red balloon on the wall tries to symbolize this gesture and letting go. It suggests that this virus situation is coming to an end sooner or later.

The idea is the 21st century. It was created as a joint initiative of the Csepel District Municipality and the Club for Women for Hungary.



színes város
színes város

The firewall was painted from top to bottom using a suspended electric stand. The huge surface was first painted with almost 40 liters of primer, then sketching and then came the classic coloring, when they started to fill in the parts of the painting with the appropriate colors.

"The feedback has been very positive, you never know what will work with a painting and what will not. This, for example, worked particularly well, we can see this from the reactions"

 - stated Péter Flór, Secretary General of the Colored City Group.

színes város

The painting on the wall of the 10-story apartment building was made with the support of Szerencsejáték Service Nonprofit Kft. and designed by Katalin Benkő in Csepel at Kossuth utca 88.

Az újrahasznosított világ

The recycled world

The painting is a complex series of images reflecting on the polluting impact of humanity on the environment and one way of avoiding it is to recycle. Or rather, that the possibility of this and the fate of our planet is in our hands alone.

A Világűr Csodái

The Wonders of Space

In Tárnok, the most famous sci-fi film characters of 20th century pop culture come to life in the noise barrier next to the MÁV railway station.

NO PIC NO PROOF: Törjük át az algoritmust

NO PIC NO PROOF: Break the algorithm

The NO PIC NO PROOF installation is an abstract, dramatised and spatialised snapshot where the profiles that represent us on social media take physical form and take reality away from us. When someone at a rock concert holds up their phone and "lives" the event on Facebook, the question is: who is enjoying the concert? Is it them or their Facebook profile?