Interview with Batman graffiti artist

2021. Feb. 27. | Interviews

Batman He showed himself in Szeged as well, although not in the person of the iconic superhero known to everyone, but as a graffiti artist who goes around the nights under the name of the dispenser of justice and leaves his name on the walls. He couldn't even imagine a city without graffiti or street art, as he says: "that would be boredom itself."

How long have you been painting?

When I was in elementary school, I started doodling in my textbooks and studying. At the time, I didn't think that I would one day target the city and fall in love with graffiti so much. It's been about two years since I picked up a spray paint. Although the last year can be said to be really active. 

Where did the stage name come from?

I was a kid from Makkosház, one of the local crew gave me the name. Everyone in the area called him "kisbatman". You could say they were my role models. I saw crew paintings everywhere in the concrete jungle as a little kid, never saw graffiti or tag before that. Ten years have passed, and life brought me in such a way that in 2019 I met again one of the members who is still active today. It was then that I got the idea that I wanted to blow. We were thinking about what the name should be, and he decided on it .." well, it's clear! Batman!”

This name is the very first memory I have that is somehow connected to graffiti. I got to know the subculture and noticed the first crew in the area, at that time I started to learn how to watch the wall... and I got my name from one of my role models. Do you need better than this?! In addition, there are 1-2 other things that made me choose this name, but they are not important.

How did this style develop and what would you call it?

It's not really ripe yet. I like to make changes, I'm looking for myself. When what comes. I haven't come up with anything new yet to give it a name. I'm a bit of a cuckoo among graffiti artists, but nothing more, I just do what comes and as it comes. I'll let myself drift and then things will land somewhere. 


Who or what inspires you most to create?

There are plenty of domestic and foreign ones, but the ones that immediately come to mind and are my favorites are Ceser, Vile, and Odeith. At home, Mone, Oryon, Boros and the TMK crew are also very inspiring, and of course many more graffiti artists could be listed. Also 0036 Mark, Márton Ákos Barnabás, Optik, EMFCKNR, 9219 2112 gzigziiz.

Is there a graffiti group you are a member of?

No, I paint alone. Even if you are not a team member, it would still be nice to paint with someone/someones sometimes, not just alone. Of course, if life brought me to have a crew, I think I would be in it.

Illegal or legal painting?

I am equally moved by the illegal, but mostly I like abandoned places. Unfortunately, I haven't played much on such a plate yet. 


Have you had any confrontations with the police? 

It was, very early on. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, but they didn't catch me in action. I went to take photos. Unpacking ended and unfortunately the bag was full of stickers and drawings. But I don't mind, because this partly led to the name change.

What motivates you to create?

A hangok a fejemben haha.:D Az hogy akarom és szeretem csinálni. Nekem ez egyfajta menekülés a saját problémáim és a folyamatosan kattogó agyam elől. Kiakarok szakadni ebből a beteg világból a mókuskerékből és ez sikerül addig ameddig festek. És nem utolsó sorban, hogy jobb legyek.

Do you see graffiti as a hobby or a livelihood?

Hobby. I'm not at that level and I hate it when I'm told what to paint anyway. If I were to get to the point where I could make money with it, then maybe I wouldn't distance myself from it, but even then I wouldn't paint for a living because I don't have such a desire. Art is for everyone and I prefer to give.

If someone can paint and needs my work, I'm happy about it, and I'd be happy to do it for free or just ask for the price of the paint. I also have a feeling that if this were my job, the magic would disappear. And I don't want that. You know .. the squirrel wheel... you have to get up, you have to do it, and besides, paint something that I don't want so much or that's not my world.... work again…. It's better this way, I do it for myself, when I feel like it and what I feel like doing. It's equal parts hobby and medicine for me. I would like it to stay that way for a very long time.

There are quite expensive financial costs for creating a single drawing. How can you finance these?

I'm working. I often give up on things and choose paint, but I have never regretted it.

Was there a part of your life that made you feel like you were going to put the pot down for good?

As in all areas of my life, there are ups and downs. Unfortunately, there were times when I felt like quitting. Thanks to myself, but it was due to external influence. If you choose art, there will always be those who like what you do and those who don't. Enemies are just as easy to find as supporting people, in fact... When you bump into many walls and experience negative effects, two things can happen. It has a constructive effect and does it all the better, more determinedly, or it has a destructive effect and makes you falter. Unfortunately, I tend to be the latter.

What do you think about graffiti?

Even with all its negative aspects, it is one of the best things that happened to me. I couldn't even imagine a city without graffiti and street art. That would be boredom itself. Of course, there are buildings, spaces and places that I don't think belong there, and they should be respected. 

How do you see the current situation of the subculture here in Hungary?

In the past, there was a much more serious underground life in Szeged. Not just about graffiti. Extreme sports and break are all starting to disappear and only old people are pushing it. I still remember when there wasn't an evening when the Árvíz memorial or the Nagy Á were not full of young people with breaks, graffiti, boards, etc. I miss those times. But fortunately there are very talented young graffiti artists even now. Perhaps I see more that the legal painting is half the thing and the illegal is less. Is this good or bad?! Decide for yourself. 

Most memorable blowout?

Mindegyik emlékezetes a maga módján. Volt egy felüljárós fújás ott majdnem elkapott a zsaruság. Háromszor hagytam el a telefonom azon az estén bújás közben, de szerencsére mindig meglett. Csalánba fetrengtem miközben lapultam, az arcomat szétmarta haha… Akkor nem élveztem annyira alig vártam, hogy vége legyen és mehessek haza, de másnap már jót nevettem az egészen. Volt egy vonatos akció ott nem egyedül voltam. Hallottunk valamit szóval bebújtunk a vonat alá én meg bevágtam a fejemet valami vas elembe a vonat alján. Kongott akkorát… nem tudtam sírjak vagy nevessek, de tudtam egyiket se kéne. Persze a haversrácnak is nehéz volt visszatartani a hangos nevetést haha.:D Azon az estén még sok emlékezetes dolog történt, dejó is volt! 

Last Halloween blowout… I had to run there. It was a terrible night, but over time this memory has become beautiful and I laugh about it now.

What does this subculture give you?

Unforgettable experiences, memories, adrenaline, freedom, strength for everyday life, good and bad, happiness and sometimes sadness, brings good people together. One of the most colorful things in the world! I like.

What would you say to those who are just getting to know the genre?

Find a good reason or purpose for why you want to do it. Then they do it wholeheartedly. Last but not least, we respect each other and the other artists, regardless of age, gender, or style. I believe in cohesion and support, not in separation.

Who would you like to thank for making you stick with your art?

Neveket nem sorolok mert véletlen kihagynék valakit, az meg elég kellemetlen lenne. De szerintem tudja mindenki aki valaha támogatott építő kritikával, pár jó szóval vagy bármi módon is. A közeli barátok és az a pár jó ember akikkel az elmúlt egy évben összehozott a graffiti! Köszönöm!  Köszönet azoknak is akikkel személyesen még nem volt alkalmam találkozni vagy csak pár alkalommal, de üzenet formájában támogatott amikor úgy volt abbahagyom! Köszönöm azoknak is akikkel még nem volt kontakt de szeretik a rajzaimat. És nem utolsó sorban köszönöm az Urban Művészetnek a kérdéseket és az önzetlen munkájukat amit tesznek a művészetért és a művészekért! Sok sikert és kitartást a további munkáitokhoz! Remélem általatok több ember szereti meg az utcai művészetet és egyre több tehetséges fiatal kap inspirációt, hogy rálépjen erre a kalandos és színes útra! ❤️:D

my name is


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