Imre Fork presents a new face with his latest water-based works and the combination of AR technology, which was created as a result of a meditative and innovative creative process. During this time, as a result of an unexpected pipe break in the artist's apartment, another exhibition object was added to the event, which was hosted by the Unmute Gallery.
Imre Fork the multimedia artist returns to his very first medium in nearly two decades - by using watercolor, he visually 'steps out' from his previous work and shows a never before seen 'face' in the transmission of his works exhibited at the Waterbased Visions exhibition.
By pushing the boundaries of the watercolor technique and as a result of a new, unwittingly innovative creative process – i.e. breaking a pipe – Fork was forced to make a compromise with the water of Pest to put together his 'water-based' collection with multiple hidden meanings.
A significant part of the works has also been enhanced with AR (augmented reality); this method enables the artist to present his works to interested parties with a fundamentally imperceptible interpretative dimension he created.
The works displayed at the Waterbased Visions exhibition are the results of the first global quarantine period. Within the framework of a meditative creative process, Fork processed the everyday life that passes slowly in confinement - we can observe the result of everything during the life work reflection presented here, born from this kind of return to oneself.
Special elements of the exhibition:
– 22 works were created for the exhibition, 11 of which were augmented with Augmented Reality
– the bathroom mirror that watched the events of the broken pipe was put on display
– A special AR print limited to 22 pieces was also made for the exhibition, which can be purchased in the gallery and at webshopban
Érdekes, hogy pont a cikk írása napján szembejött velem a legújabb Avatar film előzetese, ami „A víz útja” címet kapta… 😀 Na de visszatérve, hogy is történt az az ominózus csőtörés a lakásodban?
Ezek szerint ráéreztem a témára. 🙂
Tavaly októberben már készültem erre a kiállításra egy másik helyszínen, így a képek fele már készen, a másik fele „alapozott” papírok formájában elkészültek már. Ezeket a dolgozószobámban tároltam, szárítottam, nézegettem. Egyik éjjel feleségem keltett, egy nagy durranásra keltünk, lerobbant az egyik fűtőtestünk a túlnyomástól és iszonyat robajjal zubogott a víz a lakásunkban (10 emeletes földszintjén élünk), így mindenhol 5 cm víz állt pillanatok alatt…
We tried to repair the damage, we waited 2 hours for help, until then we tried to block off, wipe up, pull away, etc. what we found. Of course, in the morning, when the matter was finally resolved, we noticed, to our great detriment, that my laptop was soaked with the Dreher campaign material that was currently running, along with the pictures of the exhibition.
Ezután lelkileg nehéz volt befejezni / újra kezdeni mindent, de a Dreher projektben Tatlin segített ki, aki a megnyitó beszédet mondta (pont ezért kértem fel) a képek pedig átalakultak a virtuális koncepcióra. Ezért is lett a Dreher is a szponzora a megnyitó estének. 😀
The mirror installation in the exhibition commemorates the bathroom where the radiator fell from the wall, he was the only witness and survivor. When this happened to us, within a few weeks UNMUTE was also soaked due to a storm, so fate wanted this exhibition/happening to be held here.
There is a noticeable difference between the aerosol spray paint used most often in your work and the water-based paint. Did you consider the practical and environmental benefits of water-based paint?
When the pandemic hit, I had enough time to take stock of my career and start collecting and documenting my work. That's when my mother gave me the treasures she found due to their move, thus rekindling my passion for watercolors :)
Then it was quite fateful, I received water-based felts and paint sprayers from my sponsor Molotow for testing, thus combining my previous knowledge and tool use into a combined new form that I could easily use at home at any time.
The material of the exhibition thus became the result of a deep meditative period, where I had time to wait for the materials to dry, layer them, experiment and show another, more illustrative self. I'm basically a graphic artist, I can draw other things than graffiti, but everyone knows me for my flashy murals.
I wanted to step out of my comfort zone and become one with the material and give it space, look for possibilities in the shapes in the spots and thus reveal myself. The whole thing was a very good experience, this was a defining exhibition for me, after my previous works based only on graffiti.
Nowadays, AR (augmented reality) technology is being used in more and more areas, with the help of which you can gain insight into new dimensions. Can you tell us a little bit about that?
Virtuális megoldásokkal régóta kísérleteztem, reklámügynökségi múltamnak és Fat Heatnek köszönhetően. A technika már régóta létezik, csak eddig privátban használni nehézkes volt a programozás és az eszközök miatt is. Mostmár sokkal elérhetőbb „lakossági” felhasználásra is több cég és app segítségével.
For a long time I wanted to introduce myself with this kind of material, with a special series and place, and now everything has become a given in recent years. My next exhibition will also be based on this, first I wanted to show the potential of the technique in a more digestible and interesting form.
There, I will throw the viewers into deep water, where the main role will be given to my crazy chaos generative little world in the form of 3D and AR objects and sculptures. ?