We have to get over our ego - Csiky interview project

2020. Jun. 17. | Community

csiky utcaművész

Have you ever wondered why some people take risks just to speak their mind, which seems to contradict everything they hear in the mainstream media?

Now you can find out what the anonymous street artist stands for Csiky behind his creations. With his works, Stencil mostly tries to draw attention to the social problems of the system and our time, all seasoned with sarcastic humor. His opinion is not very long, but it is more meaningful, which you can read in the form of a couple of pages of picture funzine.

csiky utcaművész
Az újrahasznosított világ

The recycled world

The painting is a complex series of images reflecting on the polluting impact of humanity on the environment and one way of avoiding it is to recycle. Or rather, that the possibility of this and the fate of our planet is in our hands alone.

A Világűr Csodái

The Wonders of Space

In Tárnok, the most famous sci-fi film characters of 20th century pop culture come to life in the noise barrier next to the MÁV railway station.

NO PIC NO PROOF: Törjük át az algoritmust

NO PIC NO PROOF: Break the algorithm

The NO PIC NO PROOF installation is an abstract, dramatised and spatialised snapshot where the profiles that represent us on social media take physical form and take reality away from us. When someone at a rock concert holds up their phone and "lives" the event on Facebook, the question is: who is enjoying the concert? Is it them or their Facebook profile?