
Mátra's natural values and diverse vegetation on the wall of an apartment building in Gyöngyös

The artwork draws attention to the protected natural values of the Mátra Landscape Protection District and local environmental protection. In addition to nature conservation, I would also like the painting to contribute to the improvement of the cityscape of Gyöngyös housing estate.

Szinyei's Airship flies over Budapest as a symbol of artistic freedom

The latest monumental creation of the Neopaint Works firewall painting group: Szinyei's Airship on 500m2. It is unique not only in Budapest, but also nationally, that an authentic reproduction of a famous painting is placed on a firewall.

Elindult Szegeden is a Street Art turizmus

A napfény városa mindig tartogat meglepetéseket és ilyenkor valami újat mutat magából, mint amit addig megszoktunk. Ezt a változást mi sem mutathatná be jobban mint az utca művészete, ami bátran növekszik és folyamatosan feszegeti a kreatív határait.

Westprememural project 2.

To the delight of many, the Westprememural project, which was a great success last year, continued, where the symbol of Veszprém, King Szent István and Queen Gizella, the first Hungarian royal couple, was immortalized.

Szeged első tűzfalfestménye

Szeged's first firewall painting

Szeged's first fire wall painting commemorates glass painter Manó Róth and the creator of the glass windows of the Szeged synagogue in Hajnóczy Street as part of a European Union project. The huge mural was created by two well-known painters from Szeged, Ákos Marton and Leó Vinkó, mural painters from

Posztapokaliptikus graffitik Szegeden

Post-apocalyptic graffiti in Szeged

The machines have taken control in Szeged as well... Well, there's no need to be afraid! So far, the post-apocalyptic sci-fi world of the movie Terminator has only appeared on the legal wall of Zápor-Tó in unique depictions by local artists.

Paint The Town Pécs

Paint The Town Pécs

At various points in the city of Pécs, portraits and sometimes texts of Hungarian authors appear. We managed to get to PaintTheTownPécs, the person behind the literary street art project, who told us about his work - keeping his incognito, of course.

Aldi dekoráció játékos formában

Aldi decoration in a playful form

With another great initiative, the Aldi grocery store made the parking lot of their Solymári store more colorful. This time, the Colorfools decorative painting team brought a little fun to the customers who visited with their finished work.

#KeepTheNightAlive: Limitált kiadású Jägermeisterek

#KeepTheNightAlive: Limited Edition Jägermeisters

With a great initiative, Jägermeister, with the participation of 7 Hungarian contemporary underground artists, helps the work of pubs, nightclubs, waiters, bartenders and bartenders closed under the restrictions due to the pandemic. A HUF 20 million fund was created from the income of the limited-edition Jägermeisters, from which they support nightlife workers.

Városmetamorfózis street art program 3.

Urban metamorphosis street art program 3.

We can witness another successful environmental protection street art project. With the third work created within the framework of the City Metamorphosis program, which depicts a giant hedgehog, attention is drawn to the situation and challenges of eastern hedgehogs living in the city.

Új legális falfelület Szegeden!

New legal wall surface in Szeged!

Szeged has added another legally paintable wall surface, where graffiti artists can create without restrictions. If you also want to create, or if you are just interested in the demanding works that have been completed so far, then you should walk to the row of garages on Csáky József Street in the Rókus district.

Városmetamorfózis street art program 2.

Urban metamorphosis street art program 2.

The second stop of the Városmetamorfózis street art program is "Szetáv TV", which on the one hand hosted the Külvárosi Mozi Piknik screening series, and on the other hand draws attention to the problem of illegal waste dumping. 

Színes Város – Így készült a kovász

Colorful City - This is how sourdough was made

Since July of this year, another giant painting has been decorating the facade of the Fire Department on Károly körút, which was created at the initiative of the Colorful City Group and courtesy of Budapesti Városarculati Nonprofit Kft. (BVA). With the painting, they wanted to respond in their own way to the curfew restrictions introduced due to the Covid 19 epidemic that is defining the entire world, its global scale, the whole surreal life situation, but they also wanted the work to focus on the positive parts of it all.