Fork x Skanska - "The way of water"

2023. Sep. 8. | Community

ESkanska Hungary has entered into a unique collaboration with graffiti artist Imre Fork, who has created an original and inspiring artwork in the garden of the first building of H2Offices. 

The project, called "The Way of Water", draws inspiration from the location and heritage of the office building, emphasising the importance of water and the use of sustainable renewable energy sources. The fence is 150 m long and tells the story of the development phases of the H2Offices project through spectacular photographs, paying homage to the heritage of the Budapest Waterworks.

Imre the project assignmentlast year in response to a request from the advertising agency Bistro, asking it to Skanska Hungary decorate the pedestrian walkway next to your new eco office building with a tasteful graphic on a 150 x 3m fence. The office building was built on the site of the former Waterworks headquarters on the corner of Váci út and Dózsa György út, so water was a given as a theme.

After several concepts and sketches, Skanska selected Imre's idea "The Way of Water", where he could demonstrate the energy-carrying capacity of water through the 4 seasons. This will be displayed on the first section of the wall, 90 x 3m, by the COLORFOOLS team, who have already completed several thousand square metres. 

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A víz útja

The project is unique in Hungary in many ways, as it is both an advertisement and a piece of applied art, which shows that graffiti can be used as a tool for good in public spaces - added Imre Fork

The second segment of the wall shows the construction process in 10 photos, which required digital design and printing to ensure an accurate representation. Imre spent months refining and reworking the first block illustration in several rounds, which finally took its final form this summer with the painting, exhibition hanging and garden installation.

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The mural is made from pre-primed plastic bottles pressed from shredded scrap wallboard, which is more durable than ordinary OSB boards. The graphic part of the painting was painted with spray paint only, provided by Loop Colors Hungary. This was also an attempt to generate as little litter as possible and to beautify the previously abandoned industrial environment.

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A víz útja

The painting and construction took 2 weeks, the hanging of the exhibition took 1 week for a decorating team. In total, the preparation, acceptance and production took about half a year with weekly coordination, as the building was built in parallel the decoration project also required constant coordination due to the strict health and safety regulations.

Summary of the work video.

At Skanska Hungarybelieve that integrating art and design into their projects creates a good atmosphere for both the people working in their buildings and the local community.

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