A digitális polisz: Hálózati államok a blokklánc-korszakban

The digital polis: Network states in the blockchain era

Blockchain-based network states are emerging as digital nations that challenge traditional governance by offering customisable, opt-in communities based on shared values rather than geographical boundaries. It is about the power of individuals to choose their own path, build communities and step outside traditional systems of governance.

Mik azok a stabilcoinok és hogyan működnek?

What are stablecoins and how do they work?

The purpose of stablecoins is to maintain price stability and bridge the gap between fiat money and cryptocurrencies. They are linked to traditional assets, such as paper money or gold, making them a relatively less volatile alternative than typical cryptocurrencies. Promising faster transactions and lower costs, stablecoins are an alternative to traditional banking solutions.

Robolution interjú

Robolution interview

According to Robolution, our society is made up of screen-viewing zombies, which he reflects in his work in urban environments.

Az újrahasznosított világ

The recycled world

The painting is a complex series of images reflecting on the polluting impact of humanity on the environment and one way of avoiding it is to recycle. Or rather, that the possibility of this and the fate of our planet is in our hands alone.

It belongs in a museum – 0036 Mark

It belongs in a museum – 0036 Mark

The képező latest exhibition of the gallery, whose concept focuses on the relationship between street art, pop culture and art history. The street art artist, who has maintained his anonymity for years, prefers to combine popular fairy tale characters with various pop and socio-cultural phenomena.

Interjú Dartes utcaművésszel

Interview with street artist Dartes

He doesn't have much patience when it comes to painting, but he likes to work a lot on his posters and digital graphics and spend time on smaller details. He always has an urge to create something. It's been with him since he was little and will probably stay with him forever.

A Világűr Csodái

The Wonders of Space

In Tárnok, the most famous sci-fi film characters of 20th century pop culture come to life in the noise barrier next to the MÁV railway station.

Interjú Imola utcaművésszel

Interview with street artist Imola

How terribly funny it would be if someone covered the streets with their own breasts. Imola's posters depict the point in a rather abstract way, which is rather a gag on her part. The idea started out as a visual social experiment that she could smile at.

Sárkánytűzküldetés – mesekönyv

Dragonfire Mission - storybook

We have grown up with traditional fairy tales, but now we have to pass them on to our children in a modern guise. The book is adorned with beautiful full-page colour illustrations and a wealth of exciting inter-textual graphics to keep young readers/listeners engaged. The drawings echo the motifs of medieval frescoes and codices. This modern tale, rooted in our past, has been put to paper by Zsoldos Prize-winning author Ágnes Gaura Gaura.

DAO: Decentralizált Autonóm Szervezet

DAO: Decentralized Autonomous Organization

As we explore the limits of what is possible in the world of DAOs, it becomes increasingly clear that people have the power to rewrite economic and social systems. The power of decentralisation is not just a technological innovation, but a new way of looking at things, where shared goals and values are at the forefront.

NO PIC NO PROOF: Törjük át az algoritmust

NO PIC NO PROOF: Break the algorithm

The NO PIC NO PROOF installation is an abstract, dramatised and spatialised snapshot where the profiles that represent us on social media take physical form and take reality away from us. When someone at a rock concert holds up their phone and "lives" the event on Facebook, the question is: who is enjoying the concert? Is it them or their Facebook profile?

Tűzfalfestmény készült Szenes Hannáról

Firewall painting of Hanna Szenes

The work, which honours the memory of the martyred poet and paratrooper, is part of a series of commemorations organised by the Hungarian Jewish Heritage Foundation and the Government of Hungary to mark the 80th anniversary of the Holocaust in Hungary.

MetaMask Card: kriptós bankkártya a mindennapi vásárlásokra

MetaMask Card: a crypto debit card for everyday purchases

MetaMask, a popular crypto wallet, launches a debit card. No bank is needed to spend cryptocurrencies. This not only paves the way for greater acceptance, but is also in line with MetaMask's vision of empowering people to take care of themselves.

Mr. Zero – Forradalom a nevem

Mr. Zero - Revolution is my name

Mr. Zero's work in Berlin brings to life a rebellious punk culture that also reflects the digital noise that surrounds us. He combines this with various characters from his own post-apocalyptic cyberpunk universe.

Nikon Laci a hazai filmipar graffiti firkásza

Laci Nikon is the graffiti artist of the Hungarian film industry

Laci Nikon brings to life the street style and streetscapes of 1980s New York's "golden era" in her Netflix series Eric. His work can be seen in quite a few other film worlds, where he appears in several graffiti and hundreds of different street doodles. He is the only one who can be found doing graffiti and illustration work for filmmakers.

A pénzügyek jövője: mélyrepülés a DeFi forradalomba

The future of finance: a deep dive into the DeFi revolution

DeFi, the revolutionary power of finance, is breaking down the barriers that have long excluded countless individuals from accessing basic financial services. It welcomes you with open arms and a helping hand to anyone who wants to take control of their financial future.

King Freak legnagyobb filmes paste up-ja

King Freak's biggest film paste-up

How cool is it to see your favourite American producer while you're waiting for the tram, and then find yourself on the set of his film the next day as a street art designer.



Miss KK reworked her favourite Renaissance paintings and paired them with characters from her childhood. The theme of the exhibition was based around her painting "Boticelli - Birth of Venus". It was the first painting in which nudity was not portrayed as a sin.

Fork Imre – NEO_GEN3.SYS

Imre Fork - NEO_GEN3.SYS

The largest projected graffiti in the country was the theme of this year's 8th Zsolnay Festival of Light in the centre of Pécs. Fork's idea was to create a modern creation story, where there is a central figure who can be seen as both real and imaginary.

A SHIB felemelkedése

The Rise of SHIB

Explore the Shiba Inu saga—the mesmerizing and inspiring story of the samurai pup that took the world by storm, making its mark in history as the meme that became a cultural phenomenon.

Muralinas: A szél istenének az epizódja

Muralinas: The God of the Wind episode

Muralinas was founded in 2022 by Stella Koleszár, visual artist, glass artist and Borbála Komesz, visual artist. They are working to create as many colourful wall surfaces as possible, not only in Budapest, but also in several small towns.

A természet a legnagyobb kincsünk, amit minden áron óvni kellene

Nature is our greatest treasure and should be protected at all costs

We are all familiar with the infinite beauty and richness of nature, yet we often forget that this treasure is not infinite. The consequences of human activities, such as industrialisation, agricultural intensification and urbanisation, are causing serious damage to the environment. Now is the time to take our responsibility seriously and act to protect nature.

Arbitrum hálózat az Ethereum jövője

Arbitrum network is the future of Ethereum

Arbitrum is one of the most popular Ethereum scaling solutions designed to speed up transaction times and reduce Ethereum fees. It has a strong community and a diverse ecosystem.

UTCÁRA FEL! – urban art fesztivál Pécsen

GET UP! - urban art festival in Pécs

Urban art festival awaits urban art lovers in Pécs from 24 May to 22 September. Renowned Hungarian and foreign street artists will present their work at the Street Up international exhibition in the Zsolnay Cultural Quarter. A skateboarding exhibition entitled Art of Skate will be on display in the downtown Pécs Gallery, while hip-hop and skateboarding shows, professional workshops, lectures and guided tours will also be part of the festival programme until September.

Picasso – legenda 2050

Picasso - legend 2050

Art history in a novel, a touch of science fiction, a terrace door dividing worlds, mysteries galore, investigations, a journey from New York to Paris to Antibes, 1925 to 2051.

Welly az első Shiba Inu témájú üzlet Olaszországban

Welly is the first Shiba Inu themed shop in Italy

SHIBA INU has partnered with fast food franchise Welly, transforming their eatery into a Shiba Inu wonderland, with fluffy Shiba decor and the option to pay with SHIB. Their collaboration could pioneer the real-time practical application of blockchain technology.

Bitcoin az egészséges pénz

Bitcoin is healthy money

Bitcoin gives EVERYONE equal ownership and freedom. The fiat currency system is designed to work for the working class forever. The rich get richer while the poor get poorer. Bitcoin levels the playing field.

Mastodon: a decentralizált közösségi hálózat

Mastodon: the decentralised social network

Mastodon is one of the best decentralised social media platforms, offering users an alternative to mainstream centralised platforms. It has more than 10 million registered users. It operates on a federated model where several independent servers, called "instances", form a network.

AAFK interjú

AAFK interview

Anny and Felipe are a pair of artists with a strong background in graphics and illustration. When they decided to take to the streets and start painting, they found a wonderful community and a new way to experience art and culture away from the office and computers.

Rawman interjú

Rawman interview

I am confident that, in terms of creation, I can be part of a process that will change and evolve over time. And it's pervasive and inspiring when there is a person's personality, energy and message behind a style.

Bitcoin és a pénz kapcsolata

Bitcoin and money

The biggest mistake you can make is not understanding how money works. The younger you are, the better your chances of becoming rich if you understand how money works.

HOEK mexikói stílusú éttermi dekorációja

HOEK's Mexican-style restaurant decor

What you can see from him at the moment is a decorative painting for a Mexican restaurant called Sombreros Taqueria. His clients wanted to evoke the visual aspects of this rich culture in addition to their food.

Cüvé interjú

Cüvé interview

Cüvé enjoys painting as a graffiti artist, thus reinforcing female participation in the subculture.