A superhero fighting for animals and a girl who becomes invisible come to life on the Szerémi Street murals

2022. Oct. 29. | Community

In May, Színes Város Csoport and Budapest Brand Nonprofit Zrt announced a joint art competition entitled "Ordinary Goddesses - women, girls in everyday life". what superpower would they bestow on the female person who plays an important role in their lives. The Hungarian visual artists Zsuzsi Bakos and Enikő Váczy were inspired by the entries, and as a result the XI. district, Szerémi út 1-2. legal mural work below, which surface is the property of MÁV. A superhero fighting for animals and a girl who becomes invisible come to life on the walls handed over on October 13, thus further coloring the Budapest cityscape as a mission of the Colorful City Group.

The Colorful City Group and the Budapest Brand In May 2022, he announced a joint art competition entitled "Ordinary Goddesses - everyday women, girls" in two age groups; for lower (age group 6-10) and upper (age group 11-14) elementary school students. As part of the drawing competition, the children had the opportunity to show what they see in everyday life and, if they could, what kind of superpower they would bestow on one of their favorite women who plays an important role in their lives.

,,Maybe you've heard of the ancient Greek or Roman gods and goddesses, but you've definitely heard of superheroes. What if we said that they live among us and you actually meet them every day. If your mother, sister, grandmother, aunt, best friend, kindergarten teacher, teacher could be a superhero, what kind of superpower would it have? Draw it for us, and we'll implement it on a firewall!” – the call for tenders was also a call for a game, which was determined by Noémi Nádudvari, the artistic director of the project.

Over the course of the summer, nearly 60 entries were submitted to the call, the drawings often featured the ability to fly, traveling on different time and thought planes, laser-eyed prodigies, or girls who handle fire with ease, it is particularly interesting that most of the children dressed their mothers up with some superpower. Superpowers were a recurring element of many tenders, and animals, nature, and the protection and saving of planet Earth appeared many times in the depictions. 

Hétköznapi Istennők

It was inspired by the winning entries Zsuzsi Bakos, a graphic designer and street art artist living and working in Budapest, as a result of which XI. district, legal mural at Szerémi út 2. The two central characters of the wall, which received an artistic mural, are a superhero fighting for animals and a girl endowed with the power to become invisible - both figures were inspired by a specific children's drawing. As is typical of Zsuzsi Bakos's characters, even in this graphic design, the lovely, playful figures easily attract the eye, which mostly resemble cartoon or comic book heroes.

Hétköznapi Istennők
Hétköznapi Istennők
Hétköznapi Istennők
Hétköznapi Istennők

The mural under Szerémi út 2 was completed under the leadership of Zsuzsi Bakos in 5 days, and 70 liters of paint were used during the construction. Painting the other pillar opposite the bridge, at number 1 Szerémi út Enikő Váczy, named after a visual artist living in Budapest. His work is usually characterized by themes close to nature and the conscious use of symbols.

Hétköznapi Istennők
Hétköznapi Istennők
Hétköznapi Istennők
Hétköznapi Istennők
Hétköznapi Istennők

In the artist's formulation, the main message and central organizing principle of the design is a call to attention to the superpower in women, which is their ability to create, to interweave the universe like the roots of trees or even to give life like a river. The special relationship of ordinary goddesses with nature, including waters, appeared in several children's drawings, and this was the main inspiration. The construction - during which 67 liters of paint were used - took place over 8 days. 

Az újrahasznosított világ

The recycled world

The painting is a complex series of images reflecting on the polluting impact of humanity on the environment and one way of avoiding it is to recycle. Or rather, that the possibility of this and the fate of our planet is in our hands alone.

A Világűr Csodái

The Wonders of Space

In Tárnok, the most famous sci-fi film characters of 20th century pop culture come to life in the noise barrier next to the MÁV railway station.

NO PIC NO PROOF: Törjük át az algoritmust

NO PIC NO PROOF: Break the algorithm

The NO PIC NO PROOF installation is an abstract, dramatised and spatialised snapshot where the profiles that represent us on social media take physical form and take reality away from us. When someone at a rock concert holds up their phone and "lives" the event on Facebook, the question is: who is enjoying the concert? Is it them or their Facebook profile?